Screenings - Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic - Zumbrota, MN

Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic

1901 Roscoe Avenue
Zumbrota, MN 55992


A Lifetime of Wellnes: Preventive Healthcare Guidelines

The bond between you and your pet is fused from a mutual need for loving companionship. Our goal is to help you maintain that bond for as long as possible! To that end, we have developed guidelines designed to help limit diseases that are preventable. They will also help recognize disease in its early stage, when treatment is more successful. By recognizing important milestones  and providing appropriate preventive care, we can often prevent or reduce the irreversible and often debilitating consequences of disease.

Age Life Stage Expectations Preventative Care and Testing Recommendations
0-1 years Kitten/
Growth - skeletal maturity at 8-12 mo.

Sexual maturity at 6-12 months

Primary concerns are congenital defects, infectious diseases.

Full physical exams at 8 and 16 weeks

At least one negative fecal parasite screening.

Cats: FeLV/FIV/FHW testing at >9 weeks.

Vaccinations based on lifestyle

Parasite prevention based on lifestyle

High-quality, growth-based diet.

Body Condition Scoring

Discuss environment, diet, behavior and dental care.

Spay or neuter at 6-12 months

1-7 years Adult Optimum health/peak athletic activity

Highest likelihood for traumatic injuries

Highest likelihood for orthopedic injuries

Most common age for heartworm disease

Signs of allergies can develop

2/3 of adults will develop dental disease

Obesity development - 2/3 of all pets

Annual physical examinations

Dogs: Annual 4DX heartworm/tick disease screening

Annual Fecal parasite screening

Body Condition Scoring

Nutritional assessment

Immunizations based on lifestyle

Parasite prevention based on lifestyle

Home dental care and professional cleanings as needed.
Complete Blood Count, Blood Chemistry Profile, Urinalysis
Additional testing as dictated by problems

8+ years Senior Muscle atrophy and decreased activity can accelerate obesity

Graying of haircoat

Heart, kidney, liver, and thyroid disease

Risk of diabetes increases

Increased risk of cancer

>50% develop osteoarthritis
Bi-Annual full physical examinations and cancer checks.

Annual fecal parasite screenings

Body Condition Scoring

Nutritional Assessment

Dogs: Annual 4DX heartworm/tick disease screening

Immunizations based on lifestyle

Parasite prevention based on lifestyle

Home dental care and professional cleaning
Complete Blood Count, Blood Chemistry Profile, Urinalysis

Thyroid Screening

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Blood Pressure

Chest X-Rays